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  3. IRRI and PhilRice researchers share updates with local partners on crop health surveys

IRRI and PhilRice researchers share updates with local partners on crop health surveys


DAVAO CITY, Philippines—More than 100 researchers from local, national, and international organizations on rice (photo) gathered for a National Workshop on Crop Health Assessment for Regional Implementers, 14-17 March. They shared updates on the collection of data on rice production situation, injuries caused by pests and diseases, and yield in the different rice areas of the Philippines.

The participants gained insights on the results of field surveys and farmer interviews done during the second semester of 2015 under the Philippine Rice Information System (PRISM) project. They were also able to report and review accomplishments, work plans, and the effects of El Niño in the regions and tested the updated recording forms by collecting crop health data in farmers’ fields. Hands-on training on computing the incidence pest injuries and diseases in a farmer’s fields was also on the agenda.

The participants shared their knowledge and expertise with other farmers during a farmers’ forum. Joining the forum were farmers and local leaders from the municipality of Braulio Dujali, Davao Del Norte, where the field exercise was conducted.

For the crop health assessment component, regional partners from the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office (DA-RFO) and the local government units conducted surveys in farmers’ fields using a standardized procedure developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The procedure included assessment of injuries caused by animal pests, pathogens, and weeds; characterization of the production situation; and yield quantification.

These surveys provide information on pest risks and pest management strategies and support the project’s component on mapping and monitoring of rice areas.

Under the auspices of the DA, the Philipipine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), and IRRI, PRISM, a four-year collaborative project under the Food Staples Sufficiency Program (FSSP), aims to support decision-making toward food security throughout the Philippines. It is developing an operational monitoring system that can provide accurate, timely, and reliable information on rice. The project relies on data from its two main components: mapping and monitoring and crop health assessment.

The workshop was held under PRISM’s crop health component. Participants came from the regional offices of the DA, local government units, PhilRice, and IRRI. The workshop was jointly organized by IRRI, PhilRice, and the DA’s regional field office in Region XI.


Source: IRRI News